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From Rome to visit the site
Gen. of Division Falsaperna, director of works and the military property (GENIODIFE), visit the site of Sterzing accompanied by Col. Zagli, is chief of the general staff command Alpine troops of Bolzano, and other senior officers, remaining impressed by 'progress of work.

Last projects
Expansion of the "Laurin" Lana nursery school
Recognition by the jury for the "Laurin" Kindergarten expansion project and construction of a microstructure for early childhood
8 lodgings Auerwiese St. Lorenzen
Competition for the construction of 8 apartments in the "Auerwiese" expansion area Lot A3 in the Municipality of San Lorenzo di Sebato
Under Rosskopf (mountain)
Vipiteno, barracks Menini de Caroli area, realization of AST accommodations